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okies to im prove yo ur on line ex perience on our si te. By co ntinuing to use th is si te, you ag ree to the use of co okies in ac cordance wi th ourOur go
al at Pl ay Peak is to cr eate a sp ace wh ere us ers can en joy ga mes and so cializing in a fr iendly at mosphere. Yo ur pa rticipation in th is is ex tremely important.The gu
idelines ou tlined in the Pl ay Peak Co de of Conduct are re levant, to ev ery in dividual en gaging wi th our se rvices and pr oducts. We ou tline the ex pected co nduct, wi thin our co mmunity of fering in stances of be havior th at al ign wi th the re gulations th ough not re stricted to them.Adhering to th
ese ru les is si mple. Ho wever, vi olations wi ll be ad dressed, up to in definite ex clusion fr om the community.We do not al
low sh aring the in formation of pl ayers ex cept, for th eir ni cknames. It is im portant to ke ep yo ur da ta co nfidential. Ma king th reats to re veal de tails of pa rticipants, su ch, as th eir re al na mes and wh ereabouts is not al lowed un der any circumstances.Play Peak do
es not to lerate ma nifestations of ha tred and discrimination.We em
brace di versity wi thin our ga ming co mmunity we lcoming in dividuals of all ba ckgrounds in cluding ra ce, et hnicity, sk in co lor, re ligion, ge nder id entity, se xual or ientation, ph ysical ab ilities and mo re. Di scrimination or ha rassment ba sed on th ese tr aits is st rictly prohibited.Respect ot
her pa rticipants du ring co mmunication, ga ming, or cr eativity. Th reatening, in timidating, hu miliating ot her pa rticipants, or vi olating th eir pe rsonal bo undaries is prohibited.Do not pr
etend to be ot her pl ayers, ce lebrities, of ficials, Pl ay Peak em ployees, or an yone el se. Do not cl aim ot hers' ac hievements as yo ur own.Make su
re to pl ay the ga me and fo llow the ru les. Av oid us ing de ception, ob structing pl ayers pl otting or ta king ad vantage of any mi stakes, by the de velopers. Re frain fr om sh aring de tails ab out ch eats, we aknesses or bu gs, in the ga me. If you co me ac ross a bug be su re to re port it.Steer cl
ear of en gaging in ri sky be haviors li ke ga mbling, on line sc ams or di sclosing in formation. Re frain, fr om en dorsing ac tivities in so ciety and ab stain, fr om po sting co ntent th at ro manticizes vi olence. Av oid ma king jo kes ab out ca using ha rm to yo urself or others.Do not de
ceive ot her pl ayers. Any fo rms of fr aud, in cluding at tempts to ob tain ot her pl ayers' da ta or tr ading pe rsonal da ta, are prohibited.Content and ac
tivity in Pl ay Peak sh ould pr omote po sitive em otions. Wh en cr eating co ntent, co nsider our requirements.We as
sess ea ch vi olation on a ca se, by ca se ba sis co nsidering fa ctors su ch, as the se riousness of the of fense the us ers hi story of vi olations and ot her re levant as pects. De pending on the gr avity of the si tuation ac tions can ra nge fr om wa rnings to ac count suspension.In ca
se of in definite bl ocking, the us er may lo se ac cess to ga mes, vi rtual it ems, and ot her assets.We to
gether oi zpfyyhwpzds our co mmunity. If you en counter a pl ayer vi olating the ru les, re port it. If you ha ve pe rsonal di slike for so meone who do es not br eak the ru les, you can bl ock th at user.Take ca
re of pr otecting yo ur pe rsonal da ta. Do not al low th ird pa rties ac cess to yo ur ac count. If so mething se ems too go od to be true, it pr obably is.Play Peak of
fers to ols to en sure the sa fety of its pl ayers. Le arn mo re ab out th em in the fr equently as ked qu estions section.If you are in
terested in pa rental co ntrol fu nctions, re fer to the re levant section.The gu
idelines, for be havior at Pl ay Peak mi ght ch ange,. It 's cr ucial to st ay in formed ab out any up dates. Sa ying "I di dn't kn ow..." wo n't ex cuse any mi ssteps. Ul timately our pr imary ob jective, du ring our get to gethers is to ha ve fun and re vel in the sh ared ex perience of pl aying games!Welcome to our en
tertainment hub wh ere you can ha ve a ti me and en joy yo urself. Pl ease be aw are th at the ch ances of wi nning in our ga mes are not the sa me, as, in ga mbling. Th is pl atform is in tended for ad ults ag ed 18 and ab ove. Di ve in to a wo rld of th rilling ga mes. Ha ve a blast!Co2024 Pl ay Peak
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